Apollidon has an undisputed record of delivering results. Every program has resulted in sustained growth for our university partners. Our achievements are directly related to our commitment to high-quality marketing, market research, and innovation in our approach to reaching the right prospective students with the right messages at the right time.

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Program Exclusivity

We dedicate our resources to your program and no others like it.

Apollidon’s revenue share model and total commitment to our institution partners is unique in today’s OPM market. Exclusivity means that Apollidon will only represent one program of its kind. This ensures that all work on our client’s behalf is totally dedicated to finding and supporting students for their programs. Prospective leads for online education are not shared with other institutions or programs.

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Risk-Free Partnership

Jump-start revenue with the most cost-effective solutions on the market.

In addition to our flexible fee-for-service options, Apollidon offers extraordinary customer service and a world-class support structure at no risk to our clients. Our university partner fee structure is simple, straightforward, and all-inclusive. We employ a tuition share model so there are no upfront costs. Our extensive marketing, market research, student outreach and engagement, enrollment, retention, loyalty, and specialized technology services are included in our OPM model.

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Program Differentiation

Catapult your program to new heights with comprehensive market research and competitive insights.

Apollidon is focused on online, hybrid, and interdisciplinary undergraduate and graduate education. Knowledge capital is critical for increasing online enrollments, especially when it comes to complex fields of study. Our market research team has developed proprietary competitor benchmarking and website evaluation tools critical for spotlighting calls to action. Apollidon also provides viability assessments at the program, college, or institutional level utilizing primary and secondary research.

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Diversity Ratios

Accelerate enrollments and exceed your institution’s diversity goals.

Apollidon understands that higher education institutions have multiple objectives in addition to achieving sustainable enrollments. For example, our marketing efforts have consistently helped our clients reach their student diversity goals. Case studies of diversity improvements are available upon request.

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Data Analytics

See results in real time with transparent data analytics.

Apollidon is passionate about real-time analytics and the insights that help our clients stay ahead of the competition. Apollidon has also developed a customized student relationship management (SRM) infrastructure that manages the full cycle of student information, from interest and engagement activities to graduation and alumni information. This enables our real-time analytics, allowing Apollidon to maximize enrollments every semester and catapult our clients’ programs to new heights.