Case Studies

Case Studies

Invigorating Existing Programs

Apollidon’s partnership with the forensic science graduate program at the University of Florida (UF) has helped it become the world’s largest forensic science master’s program in the world. See how Apollidon invigorated UF’s forensic science program after it hit an enrollment ceiling. The Challenge A common problem among universities occurs when programs plateau. A program might be growing at a steady rate through its introduction and development stages, but after it’s been on the market for a while, its popularity can level off. Plateauing happens for a myriad of reasons; Apollidon can provide the solutions

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Increasing Brand Awareness

Apollidon helped increase the brand awareness of a new online program with less than a month until its launch and tripled the projected number of enrollments for its inaugural semester. The Challenge With less than a month until its launch, Apollidon designed an integrated, targeted strategy to increase awareness of the Maddie’s® Online Graduate Certificate in Shelter Medicine though the University of Florida’s School of Veterinary Medicine. Apollidon faced the following challenges: Operating within a tight deadline Creating a branding identity across several mediums and platforms Targeting a very specific, highly educated niche demographic “We needed Apollidon because we know medicine, but we don’t know marketing. They gave the program a face.” —UF Program Director Dr. Terry Spencer The Solution Apollidon attracted very specialized and educated students to a unique program with high education requirements using a comprehensive yet creative approach

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Accelerating Enrollments

The online microbiology and cell science undergraduate program at the University of Florida (UF) partnered with Apollidon to scale up and accelerate their current enrollment numbers. The Challenge Dr. Eric Triplett launched a hybrid/online Bachelor of Science in Microbiology & Cell Science. Dr. Triplett and his department initially attempted to find qualified students in Florida, and they were able to enroll 10 students during the first year of the program

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Market Segmentation

Partnering with Apollidon helped Oregon State University (OSU) grow enrollments through corporate and group sales for their online HR Management Skills for Pharmacists course. The Challenge OSU launched Management & HR Skills for Pharmacists, an online certificate program and continuing education course for pharmacists. The course was well-received by the pharmacists who took it, but the number of registrants never met OSU’s expectations. Every state requires pharmacists to acquire CE credits on an annual basis, and OSU knew that management skills were not taught extensively in PharmD programs. However, there was some difficulty reaching the pharmacist community

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