Modern consumers demand more choices and flexibility in practically every market, and education is no exception. This contemporary reality has contributed to the popularity of online learning. Whatever rationale an institution may have for eschewing online programs, there are compelling arguments for transitioning to at least a hybrid learning format, where some programs and courses are offered online and others on campus. Below we’ll discuss some of the benefits that Apollidon Learning’s brick-and-mortar university partners experience after adopting a distance learning option for their programs—all sharing the common benefit of higher enrollment potential.
7 Benefits of Adding Online Learning to Your Catalog
#1: Catch Up to Your Competition
For most educational institutions, the question of whether to introduce online options is no longer an if but a when. Distance learning was already well on its way to becoming status quo when the COVID-19 pandemic hit and thrust it fully into the mainstream. Online learning is here to stay. Don’t be among the last institutions to acknowledge that.
#2: Achieve a Truly Global Reach
Your current student body may include international students, but not all foreign students have the flexibility or resources to relocate to the United States, even temporarily. Online programs enable students to remain in their home countries and maintain their professional and personal commitments while earning a credential from your distinguished U.S.-based institution. The asynchronous format empowers online learners to complete studies on their own schedule from any time zone. In our global workplace, some students may also appreciate the expanded networking possibilities of a program with international reach as they seek career opportunities.
#3: Accommodate Industrious Local Students
While some students may always prefer a blended or campus-based learning arrangement, other students and prospective students from your area may need the flexibility of an online program. Those who previously believed their work and family responsibilities precluded them from pursuing a degree may reconsider when they discover the flexibility of online learning. Students can complete exams and other coursework when and where it’s most convenient for them.
#4: Grow Beyond Your Campus Capacity
Expanding enrollment is the shared goal of many colleges and universities. However, it can be challenging to accommodate significant growth within the existing limitations of a campus. If you’re already at or close to capacity and aren’t ready to expand your facilities, online learning provides an opportunity to add new students and new programs without the space requirements and expense of adding more buildings.
#5: Evolve in an Education Landscape That May Be Evolving Without You
Schools are expected to be forward-thinking institutions: thought leaders. This necessitates understanding and embracing the prevailing educational tools and practices at your disposal. A social media presence shows that you recognize the prominence of the internet in our daily lives, and offering programs online is crucial to demonstrating your dedication to keeping pace with educational trends.
#6: Reduce Student Costs While Delivering High-Quality Education
While students’ tuition, materials, and other costs are generally the same for online and campus-based programs, your online programs may attract students who want a great education but wish to avoid the expenses associated with commuting to school.
#7: Lead the Way With Exclusive Programs
Leverage your existing courses and faculty to create career-enhancing, specialized certificate programs that are available exclusively online—and exclusively from your institution. Online learning is a highly scalable education modality.
Experience the benefits of adding online learning to your accredited institution’s catalog! Apollidon will show you how. Contact us today for details!