Apollidon Learning specializes in online program management (OPM) and related services, but we don’t offer off-the-shelf solutions. There are many good reasons for this, a few of which we will discuss in more detail below.

Listening to the individual needs of an institution and tailoring a solution that matches those needs is what Apollidon does best. We provide program branding, education consulting, custom web development, online program management, market research, lead management, public relations, video production, and more. Alternatively, we can provide just one or select services from among these.

Why do we do business this way? Because our years of experience have shown us that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work. Here are some factors that illustrate why it’s essential for OPMs to provide tailor-made solutions:

Size of the Institution

According to some sources, colleges in the United States range from about 25 to over 75,000 enrollments. Institutions with a larger student body typically offer more programs and may want their online offerings to reach anywhere from hundreds to tens of thousands of students. A customized approach makes this possible.

Worried your institution might be too small to benefit from our services? Don’t be. Apollidon is happy to help all qualified, accredited colleges and universities. We just have to align our services with your requirements—something we do every day.

Goals of the Institution

Are your graduate degree program numbers lagging? Undergraduate degrees only attracting local students? Perhaps your institution would like to expand enrollments and revenue with stackable certificate programs? Our diverse range of services means our experienced team has tackled all of these scenarios, and we can help you take your online program to the next level confidently and effectively.

Scale of Initial and Long-Term Commitments

If your goal is to bring several degrees or your entire range of undergraduate and graduate programs online, we’re ready for either contingency. You may also prefer to bring just one certificate program online to test the waters. That’s a sensible approach and one with which we are intimately familiar. Our tailored, scalable OPM solutions can accommodate your current and future requirements.

Level of Support Services Required

Is the market already saturated with online programs similar to your offering, whether it already exists as a campus-based program or will be newly developed as a dedicated online program? Before you put resources into developing your online program, you’ll want to rely on market research to yield competitive analysis and determine program viability.

Once you’ve squared away the academic foundation of your program, it’s time to ask yourself an important question: Will you be handling lead acquisition and nurturing in-house, or do you require assistance? Apollidon can provide comprehensive support services for integrated and prospective students up through admission, including contact and inbound and outbound student tracking.

These are just a few examples of why we tailor our services to each university partner.  Let’s discuss your institution’s needs and goals and come up with a plan that’s just the right size!