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Ways to Embrace AI Tools in Online Education mobile hero image

Ways to Embrace AI Tools in Online Education

Artificial intelligence has arrived in the education space, and while concerns over plagiarism, bias, and privacy are still being ironed out, the technology is likely here to stay. While some may push back against these new tools, higher education institutions would be wise to seek a fuller understanding of the benefits of AI. Rather than replacing educators, AI has the potential to make their jobs more efficient and their students’ learning experience more rewarding. Here are some of the ways that AI can help institutions that embrace this technology: 

Tailor the Online Learning Process 

AI-powered online learning platforms leverage student-specific data to customize experiences according to unique learning patterns, preferences, and strengths. This personalized method ensures that students access content tailored to their learning speed and preferences, resulting in increased engagement, understanding, and retention. 

Assess Students Adaptively 

AI-driven assessments dynamically modify question difficulty and types based on students’ performance, guaranteeing precise measurement of their comprehension. This adaptive approach aids in pinpointing areas of learning shortfalls and offers tailored feedback to facilitate improvement. 

Better Serve Neurodivergent Students 

Neurodivergent students—those who may have conditions such as dyslexia, ADHD, or an autism spectrum disorder—often require adaptive tools to supplement their educational experience. AI voice assistant and writing tools—as well as other established online education tools such as screen readers—can help these students. AI tools can also be used to diagnose such conditions.  

Focus Tutoring Efforts on Students With the Greatest Need 

AI-enabled tutoring systems can offer individualized support to students by rendering real-time feedback, explanations, and hints to aid them in grasping complex concepts. These systems replicate the experience of one-on-one tutoring sessions, thereby extending additional support and guidance beyond the confines of conventional classroom environments. Professors may choose to use AI tutoring for students with an acceptable grasp of the material while devoting their own time to students who are having greater difficulty. 

Put Virtual Assistants to Work 

One professor can only do so much, but AI-powered virtual assistants can answer student questions 24 hours a day. Similar to the automated pop-up assistants you might encounter on a website, these bots are specially designed to deliver academic assistance. 

Use Predictive Analytics to Nurture and Retain Students 

Built on AI algorithms, predictive analytics can be harnessed to track student progress and alert educators when a student may be at risk of falling behind. This gives the professor the opportunity to proactively address any learning inadequacies, helps the student stay on track, and enables the institution to retain a student that might otherwise consider dropping out.  

Let AI Handle the “Busy Work” 

AI is capable of handling some of the clerical tasks that educators or their assistants normally perform, such as grading assignments and taking attendance. Automating these tasks gives professors the opportunity to focus more attention on their students. 


AI technology is becoming more advanced every day, and its use in online education and beyond is growing. Apollidon Learning is here to help you transition to the online learning space, bolstered by our broad knowledge of the tools, techniques, and strategies necessary for institutional and student success. Let’s discuss your goals today. 



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