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What Gen Z Is Saying About Higher Education mobile hero image

What Gen Z Is Saying About Higher Education

The conversation around attending college is changing, with more alternatives to traditional education available and viewpoints on the value of higher education shifting. Cost remains a growing concern: an issue which has been exacerbated by the inflation currently influencing many spending decisions.

The opinions of Gen Z, most of whom are within traditional college age range or approaching it, should be of particular concern to higher education institutions. Here we’ll look at some of what Gen Z is saying about higher education to identify challenges and provide opportunities to fortify your academic mission.

Gen Z’s Thoughts on a College Education

College Is Important …

The encouraging news is that, depending on their age, between 80% and 87% of Gen Z participants surveyed by Gallup and the Walton Family Foundation said they feel a college education is important. Those are respectable numbers, though it should be noted that they varied by race, gender, and political affiliation.

… But They May Not Attend

A belief in college’s importance doesn’t necessarily translate to high application numbers, however. Many of those surveyed stated that they don’t plan to attend college after high school. Among some of the youngest Gen Z participants, only about 62% plan to pursue higher education. A Deloitte survey also supports this, with one third of Gen Z participants stating they will not seek a college education.


Affordability is a prime reason Gen Z is forgoing a college degree. Just 53% of Gen Z believes they will be able to afford college—a number which also varies by race and other demographic identifiers. A poll of high school students published by Inside Higher Ed also echoes the weight of cost in choosing a college.


In a survey conducted by Morning Consult, more than one third of Gen Z adults stated they don’t trust higher education. While the reasons vary among people of different ages, concerns about cost, community involvement, public benefit, quality, and other factors all play a role.

Alternate Educational Paths

Some Gen Z individuals who might have otherwise chosen college are instead choosing the more modest commitment of trade or vocational schools. Others are looking to short-term education sources such as MOOCs.

Own the Conversation

Given the views of Gen Z, it’s important for your higher education institution to address their concerns. You can do this by:

– Emphasizing your competitive tuition rates, especially if you extend in-state tuition rates to students from outside your state.

– Highlighting financial aid availability, freshman and transfer scholarships, low fees, or anything else that minimizes your cost.

– Breaking down the value of your degree programs. Go beyond cost to explain what students get for their educational dollar, e.g., a respected credential from a respected institution and higher employment and earning potential.

We’re Here to Help You

Specializing in online education consulting, marketing, and support services, Apollidon Learning helps accredited higher education institutions speak directly to the needs of prospective students through targeted, collaborative efforts. We keep a constant eye on educational trends, and we’re here to help you break down enrollment barriers with impactful messaging that underscores the quality, value, and unique voice of your institution.

In conjunction with your academic expertise, Apollidon can:

– Bring new and existing programs into the online format, offering built-in savings for students.

– Reach Gen Z or any intended audience through targeted email and social media campaigns and other digital strategies.

– Accentuate your advantages—cost, faculty, flexibility, reputation—and find hidden strengths to enhance your marketing.

– Showcase the accomplishments of your students and alumni.

– Increase the visibility of your community outreach efforts.

Let’s discuss how an Apollidon partnership can help you reach your target audience and enrollment goals.



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